Saturday, February 18, 2012

running makes things real, very real

today was an interesting day on the trail.

For the first time since we started running about two weeks ago someone joined us. That was cool as we have given an open invitation to any who would like to run with us via our Facebook page, , and now officially on this blog. All level of runners are welcome. We are still beginners and we encourage non-runners to start and seasoned runners to come and help us along. It is a challenge for us but may not be anything but a light easy jog for many. It is still great to get out there, together, to run, no matter your fitness level.

The thing about running is, even with, maybe especially with a running partner is that it is a very personal sport. You are out there running, and if you are laying it out, not noticing or caring how people perceive you. Yes, ego plays a part, do they think I'm slow? Am I holding them back? These  kind of things aren't what I mean. When you are really out there and if you are a runner you know what I mean, You don't worry how you look, you grunt, you swear, you get angry, and you talk trash, if you have a partner to each other or if you run alone to yourself. There are times I will tell those I run with I hate them, that I want to quit, and whine like a baby. I've been told by a friend that running is the one sport you can't lie to yourself about. If you do you know it. You can't blame others. It's on you, there isn't a team. Did you really do it?

 When you are out on the trail you really see yourself, and those who run with you do too. Andre and Ryan have seen me at my best and my worse. Andre and my brother were there last year when I injured myself and limped and then dragged a bad leg for about 18 miles. I was angry when spectators cheered me on. These strangers didn't know that I had already failed in my eyes. Andre and my brother both could have run a much better race but stuck by me until around mile 21 when I was able to convince Andre to go finish his first marathon and my brother was able to convince me that I should drop out and stuck by me even though he could have easily finished. I hated doing that but that is a subject for another posting. My point about that race is that a bond was forged through what was at that point mutual suffering that is very powerful. The bond forged, the friendship forged by training together, running together, working hard and seeing each other as raw as you probably ever will makes for friendships that are much more real than the having beer after work ever will be. I think perhaps even comparable to those of childhood friendship.

If you come out to run with us, just to train, to run a few races, to do the big one in October, be ready. Be ready to learn about yourself. Be ready to know more about me than you really wanted to, see more than you wanted to. Be ready to work, to suffer, to grow, to achieve, to laugh, yell, grunt, fart, fight, push, be pushed, and become better than you've ever been. Most importantly be ready to make some lifelong friends.

I look forward to you coming out. It will probably not be what you expect but it will be everything you make it.
It will definitely be an experience I will cherish

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